Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacture Of Food And Beverage
Manufacture Of Food Products
10.71 - Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes

290 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
25 November 2019
Employment effect (start)
29 February 2020
Foreseen end date


Bimbo Donuts Iberia, the bakery manufacturing company, subsidiary of the Mexican multinational Bimbo, and the unions UGT, CC.OO. and AITB have reached an agreement on the conditions of collective dismissal that will affect 290 workers (approximately one third of the workforce, although the UGT union expects to reduce that figure). The majority of affected employees work at the Bimbo factory located in Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona). With this adjustment, the company intends to restructure its commercial network in Spain adapting to the current market demand (bread and bakery market has suffered a decrease in sales). This adjustment comes after the company acquired Panrico in Bimbo in 2015.

The agreement establishes 33 days per year worked for all workers between 50 and 57 years old (above the legal minimum). In addition, the agreement establishes income of 95% of the annual salary (up to 64 years and three months) for workers 60 years old or older; 90% (up to 63 years and six months) for those of 59 years old, and 85% (up to 62 years and six months) for those of 58 years old. The agreement also includes residence change financial support for workers who move to other company sites which are more than 50 km away.



Eurofound (2019), Bimbo, Internal restructuring in Spain, factsheet number 99338, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/99338.