Location of affected unit(s)
Bagnolo S Vito (Mantova), Montaquila (Isernia), Pettoranello del Molise, Valmontone (Roma)
Manufacture Of Material For Textiles, Apparel, Leather And Related Products
Manufacture Of Textiles
13.20 - Weaving of textiles

600 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
5 November 2014
Employment effect (start)
6 November 2014
Foreseen end date


Textile company Ittierre is to close and dismiss about 600 workers employed at the plant in Pettoranello del Molise (Isernia) as well as other units located in Bagnolo S. Vito (Mantova), Montaquila (Isernia) and Valmontone (Rome).

The decision follows a long period of crisis of the company, which is under insolvency proceeding.

The exits will affect mainly blue-collar workers. Since the length of unemployment benefits (the so-called 'indennità di mobilità') will be shortened starting from 2015, the management and unions agreed to enact immediately procedures for voluntary dismissals. These should affect about 300 workers, whilst the other half should leave the company starting from April 2015, when the short-time working allowances are due to expire.

Update, 30/07/2015: The investment company Ikf leased an Ittierre branch by means of its subsidiary OTI. Subsequently, it agreed with unions to hire back at least 40 Ittierre workers.  

Update, 20/05/2017: OTI did not succeed in rescuing Ittierre. Both OTI and Ikf are currently under insolvency proceeding as well; the 40 OTI employees are still receiving short-time working allowances. As those are to expire by the end of June, the liquidator opened a collective dismissal procedure involving all the staff.

There is still hope to relaunch the plant of Pettoranello del Molise, as public subsidies to fund investments in the area should be made available over the next weeks.


  • 10 September 2014: Primo Piano Molise
  • 5 November 2014: isNews
  • 12 January 2015: isNews
  • 11 February 2015: Il Giornale del Molise


Eurofound (2014), Ittierre, Bankruptcy in Italy, factsheet number 91320, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/91320.