Internal restructuring
Nord Ovest; Piemonte; Torino
Location of affected unit(s)
Chiusa San Michele
Manufacture Of Basic Metal And Fabricated Metal Products
Manufacture Of Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery And Equipment
25.1 - Manufacture of structural metal products

56 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
5 April 2017
Employment effect (start)
6 July 2017
Foreseen end date
25 October 2017


Savio, a manufacturer of components for aluminium windows and doors, opened a collective dismissal procedure for 82 out of the 304 workers employed at the plant in Chiusa San Michele (Turin).

The company is gradually relocated its production and has 450 employees across its sites in Italy, Spain and China and is already benefiting from short-time working arrangements (so-called solidarity contracts, contratti di solidarieta).

The decision follows negative developments in the Russian, Spanish and Middle East markets. The job cuts will affect blue-collar workers.

Workers went on strike to protest against the decision. Unions have requested a withdrawal of the dismissals and an extension instead of the solidarity contracts.

Update, 05/07/2017: The collective dismissal procedure has been closed with a reduction of job losses in spite of the absence of an agreement with unions. The company will eventually dismiss 56 workers and support the relocation of some of them to other companies.


  • 30 March 2017: Rassegna Sindacale
  • 30 March 2017: La Stampa
  • 5 April 2017: Askanews
  • 6 April 2017: Askanews


Eurofound (2017), Savio, Internal restructuring in Italy, factsheet number 90716, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/90716.