Internal restructuring
Westösterreich; Oberösterreich; Linz-Wels
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacture Of Chemicals And Pharamceuticals
Manufacture Of Chemicals And Chemical Products
20 - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

100 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
16 June 2010
Employment effect (start)
31 December 2010
Foreseen end date
31 December 2013


The Upper Austrian fertilizer manufacturer Borealis Agrolinz Melamine plans to cut its workforce by 100 by 2013. Agrolinz Melamine, a subsidiary of Borealis, received notice from its owners Ipic in Abu Dhabi who holds 64% of the company and OMV who holds 36%, of an investment of EUR 145 million to be used to modernise its facilities in Linz. The programme aims at increased efficiency, but at the same time fixed costs need to be reduced which means that the workforce will be decreased from 800 to 700 by the end of 2013.

The majority of redundancies will take the form of natural attrition through retirement or part-time employment for older employees. New job offers within Borealis will also be part of the severance package; however, not all of those will be located in Linz. For the rest of the workforce made redundant, a social plan will be worked out, according to the managing director.

The company produces 1.5 million tons of plant nutrients annually of which 80% are exported.


  • 16 June 2010: Der Standard ()
  • 16 June 2010: Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (www.nachrichten.at)


Eurofound (2010), Borealis Agrolinz Melamine, Internal restructuring in Austria, factsheet number 70673, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/70673.