Business expansion
Severozapad; Karlovarsky;
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacture Of Chemicals And Pharamceuticals
Manufacture Of Chemicals And Chemical Products
20.53 - Manufacture of essential oils

116 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
5 December 2008
Employment effect (start)
Foreseen end date
1 May 2008


Preol, a member of the Agrofert group, is to create 116 new jobs by May 2009 with the development of a new biodiesel production plant in Lovosice. Approximately CZK 1.7 billion will be invested in the construction of the plant and in the technologies. The new plant will produce rape-seed oil to be used as a biofuel.

The reason to place the plant in Lovosice is its convenient location (crossing station, near to the highway and the main customers, e.g. Česká rafinérská, Kralupy, Litvínov) and the support of the employment in the region.

In relation to the construction of the new plant, Mr. Martin Kubů, director of the commercial division for the area of chemistry of Agrofert stated “it could be said that the factory will grow up on a greenfield site, but in this case we will build up so called brownfields and shall revitalize the idle land on which chemical plants were standing”.


  • 5 December 2008: Hospodárske noviny


Eurofound (2008), Preol, Business expansion in Czechia, factsheet number 67563, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/67563.