Location of affected unit(s)
Acqui Terme (AL), Sermoneta (LT)
Manufacture Of Food And Beverage
Manufacture Of Food Products
10.5 - Manufacture of dairy products

221 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
3 March 2008
Employment effect (start)
1 September 2008
Foreseen end date


Granarolo, an Italian market leader in the dairy products sector, has announced that it is to cut 221 jobs with the closure of two plants by Septemebr 2008. One of the affected plants is located at Sermoneta, in the province of Latina, and the other at Acqui Terme, in the province of Alessandria. Both plants produce cheese for the brands Pettinicchio and Merlo. The two brands belonged to the Yomo group, the main Italian producer of yoghurts, which was acquired by the Granarolo group in March 2004.

The closure of the two plants is one of the main strategies included in the new reorganisation plan that the company presented at the beginning of March. In brief, the plan envisages new investments on the ‘core business’ activities of the company (i.e. the production and the sell milk and yoghurts), while the production of other dairy products will be reduced.

The trade union representatives reacted at the company’s decision by announcing an eight-hour strike for the 3 April 2008. The trade unions disagree with the company’s decision to focus the new investments only on the ‘core business’ activities.

After several meetings with the company, the trade unions have announced other 16 hours of strike that should be realised by the end of May. Moreover, the trade unions demand the involvement of the national and local authorities in order to find ways to avoid the redundancies envisaged by the reorganisation plan.

Granarolo is an Italian market leader in the dairy products sector. It belongs to the Granlatte Consortium and in its turn controls a number of other companies – such as Yomo, Centrale del Latte of Milan, Sail, Calabrialatte, Vogliazzi, Agriok, and Area 2003. The group has around 1,895 employees, and it operates 11 production plants and more than 100 distribution centres in every part of the country.


  • 19 April 2008: Il Sole 24 Ore
  • 3 March 2008: Il Diario del lavoro
  • 18 April 2008: Il Sole 24 Ore


Eurofound (2008), Granarolo, Closure in Italy, factsheet number 66390, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/66390.