Location of affected unit(s)
Cassi de' Pecchi (MI), Marcianise ()
Manufacture Of Computer, Electrical Electronic And Optical Products
Manufacture Of Computer, Electronic And Optical Products
26 - Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products

800 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
21 May 2007
Employment effect (start)
3 September 2007
Foreseen end date


The new joint-venture Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) is one of the three largest telecom suppliers in the world. At the beginning of May 2007 the new company announced a huge reorganisation plan that envisages the loss of around 9,000 jobs worldwide by 2010. In Italy the company employs around 3,000 workers and the provisional reorganisation plan announced by NSN on 20 May 2007 regards the closure of two plants in Cassina de’ Pecchi, in the province of Milano, and in Marcianise, in the province of Naples. The closure of the two plants will affect around 800 employees (400 workers in Cassina de’ Pecchi and 400 in Marcianise). At the end of June, the company will officially announce the reorganisation plan. Trade union representatives in the affected units reacted at the company’s decision by going on strike. They are worried about further redundancies that could be included in the final reorganisation plan. For this reason they are demanding the involvement of the local and national authorities in order both to gather more precise information on NSN's reorganisation regarding the Italian plants and to elaborate adequate solutions for the outplacement and redeployment of all the workers who could be affected by the plan.


  • 31 May 2007: Il corriere della sera
  • 30 May 2007: Il Sole 24 Ore
  • 21 May 2007: Il Diario del lavoro


Eurofound (2007), Nokia Siemens Networks, Merger/Acquisition in Italy, factsheet number 65454, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/65454.