Business expansion
Nord-Vest; Cluj;
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacture Of Computer, Electrical Electronic And Optical Products
Manufacture Of Computer, Electronic And Optical Products
26 - Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products

3,000 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
20 March 2007
Employment effect (start)
30 April 2007
Foreseen end date


Romania is on the short list of the world's number one mobile phone manufacturer Nokia, which intends to carry out an investment that could exceed 200 million Euro. Officials of the Finnish group visited a number of locations in the country and according to a local source they seem to be leaning towards Cluj, Tetarom industrial park, for the construction of a plant to manufacture mobile phones. 'We will sign a memorandum with Nokia next week. It is a 200 million Euro investment,' Marius Nicoara, a local authority representative of Cluj, told Reuters. The Romanian government will co-finance the investment with 30 million Euro by setting up the infrastructure of the industrial park Tetarom, including the electricity, running water and sewerage systems. The Nokia plant is expected to employ up to 15,000 people in time with 2-3,000 in an initial phase. The agreement between Nokia and local council Cluj was signed on 26 March 2007 in Bucharest in the presence of prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu.


  • 21 March 2007: Ziarul Financiar


Eurofound (2007), Nokia, Business expansion in Romania, factsheet number 65143, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/65143.