Business expansion
Location of affected unit(s)
Public Administration And Defence
Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security
Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security
84 - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security

806 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
29 January 2006
Employment effect (start)
7 February 2006
Foreseen end date


The Government approved a set of decrees on the reorganisation of several public administration institutions in an extraordinary meeting aimed at increasing administrative capacity to absorb European Community funds. Overall, the new legislation is meant to reactivate 8,500 civil servants jobs in ministries and other subordinated institutions.

The greatest staff increase, 6,022 new jobs, is planned for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development (Ministerul Agriculturii, Pădurilor şi Dezvoltării Rurale, MADPR) and subordinated institutions. According to Government Decision no. 130 of 29 January 2006, out of the total jobs to be reactivated, 806 positions represent the additional staff in the National Authority for Animal Health and Food Safety (Autoritatea Naţională Sanitar Veterinară şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor, ANSVSA). ANSVSA is a specialised body of the central public administration, a legal entity which supervises and controls the application and observance of regulations in the area of animal health and food safety. ANSVSA includes several relevant institutions and has directorates in all the 42 counties of the country. The recruitment and selection process is set to start on 7 February 2006.Staff working directly with European funds will be granted wages 75% higher than those stipulated by the legislation in force.



Eurofound (2006), Autoritatea Naţională Sanitar Veterinară şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor, Business expansion in Romania, factsheet number 63033, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/63033.