Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Mining / Quarrying
Mining And Quarrying
Mining Of Metal Ores
07 - Mining of metal ores

100 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
21 April 2005
Employment effect (start)
21 April 2005
Foreseen end date
31 December 2006


On 14 April 2005, the Romanian Government adopted Decision no. 300, on collective redundancies that are to be made during 2005 in companies under the authority and coordination of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce (Ministerul Economiei şi Comerţului, MEC).

The decision stipulates that 50 miners from the Uranium National Company (Compania Naţională a Uraniului) will be made redundant in 2005.

In January 2006, new redundancy figures were approved by the Government Decision no. 78 of 19 January 2006.

Collective redundancies at Compania Naţională a Uraniului now totals 100 people: 50 people in 2005 and another 50 employees in 2006.

Redundant people will receive compensatory payments and will benefit of other policy measures which will tackle social and economic issues in many other mining areas of the country confronted with the same process of downsizing.

Compania Naţională a Uraniului was set up by the Government's Decision no. 785 of 2 December 1997. It has for administration the uranium mineral resources existing in Romania and deals with geological research and exploitation activities for uranium ores, ores processing and concentrates refining, their transport and marketing.


  • 13 February 2006: Ziarul Financiar
  • 25 January 2006: Monitorul Oficial (www.monitoruloficial.ro)
  • 21 April 2005: Monitorul Oficial
  • 14 February 2006: Economistul


Eurofound (2005), Compania Nationala a Uraniului, Internal restructuring in Romania, factsheet number 62997, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/62997.