Internal restructuring
Yuzhna Bulgaria; Yuzhen tsentralen; Stara Zagora
Location of affected unit(s)
Electricity, Gas, Steam And Air Conditioning Supply
Electricity, Gas, Steam And Air Conditioning Supply
35.1 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution

720 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
13 December 2005
Employment effect (start)
30 December 2006
Foreseen end date
28 December 2007


The Austrian company EVN has announced its intention to dismiss 25% of the workforce in its Electricity distribution company (EDC) - Stara Zagora. The measures will be implemented by 2008, announced the member of the Advisory Board Stefan Schischkovitz. As a result about 720 workers will be laid off. Details on the yearly dismissals is still negotiated with the trade unions.

By the end of 2007, EVN has to implement the separation of its electricity distribution from its trade activities.

EVN is the second electricity distribution companies owner in the marker (after German E.ON, owner of EDCs in Varna and Gorna Orjahovitza), announcing job reduction measures. Only the Czech CEZ (owner of EDCs in Sofia City, Sofia Region and Pleven) has not yet announced any internal restructuring plans.



Eurofound (2005), Elevctricity Distribution Company - Stara Zagora, Internal restructuring in Bulgaria, factsheet number 62708, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/62708.