Internal restructuring
île de France; Hauts-de-Seine;
Location of affected unit(s)
Manufacture Of Chemicals And Pharamceuticals
Manufacture Of Basic Pharmaceutical Products And Pharmaceutical Preparations
21.10 - Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products

400 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
Announcement Date
11 January 2023
Employment effect (start)
1 September 2023
Foreseen end date
1 April 2024


As part of its global reorganisation plan to reduce its workforce by 7%, or 8,000 jobs worldwide, the pharmaceutical group Novartis has announced it will cut around 400 jobs in France from its current 2,900 total. The global reorganisation consists of Novartis' merging its historical Pharmaceutical and Oncology divisions into a single Innovative Medicines division. The two production sites located in Huningue (Alsace) and Les Ulis (Essonne) will not be affected. The workforce reductions are concentrated at the headquarters in Rueil-Malmaison (Haut-de-Seine), which has 1,400 employees, due to the merger of the two divisions. If the 400 job cuts are confirmed after the consultation phase with staff representatives, the reduction in the workforce will be 14% for France, which is double the worldwide average for the reorganisation plan.

A previous reorganisation was recorded in the ERM Database in 2008 with 100 job losses (FR-Novartis-2008).



Eurofound (2023), Novartis, Internal restructuring in France, factsheet number 108183, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/108183.