Internal restructuring
Location of affected unit(s)
Financial Services
Financial And Insurance Activities
Financial Service Activities, Except Insurance And Pension Funding
64.19 - Other monetary intermediation

138 jobs
Number of planned job losses
Job loss
110 jobs
Number of planned job creations
Job creation
Announcement Date
28 December 2020
Employment effect (start)
Foreseen end date


The banking and financial group Deutsche Bank signed an agremment with the banking trade union FABI for a process of generational change. The agreement foresees 248 voluntary exits, all taking place thorugh an incentivised retirement scheme, and 110 new open-ended hirings- targeting first employees who already worked there with short-time contracts.

The agreement is part of the renewal of the Group's collective agreement, which also entails new welfare benefits (with the ticket restaurant increased up to 7€ per day by 2022), the re-insourcing of some, previously outsourced, IT activities, and a more flexible regulation of part-time, aiming at a better work-life balance.

Trade unions expressed their satisfaction for the agreement.



Eurofound (2020), Deutsche Bank, Internal restructuring in Italy, factsheet number 102943, European Restructuring Monitor. Dublin, https://restructuringeventsprod.azurewebsites.net/restructuring-events/detail/102943.